The so-called wisdom teeth are the last teeth to appear and are, in most cases, useless pieces of are, in most cases, useless teeth that may possibly cause problems when erupting, such as problems when erupting, such as episodes of pain, inflammation and suppuration. suppuration.
In their attempt to erupt, the wisdom teeth push the rest of the teeth that are already in place in the arch, pushing the the arch, which can cause crowding and malposition of the teeth. and malposition of the teeth.
In many occasions, due to lack of space, the wisdom teeth do not erupt to the occlusal plane. the occlusal plane, being able to remain semi-impacted, impacted or included, these denominations allude to their level of depth and distance from the mandibular ramus to the mandibular ramus (Gregory and Pell classification), and they can even be gyroversioned at different be gyroversioned at different angles (Winter’s classification). This can cause difficult hygiene with the creation of periodontal pockets and pericoronaritis. pericoronaritis.
One of the most common infectious processes is related to third molars. third molars, since hygiene in this area is difficult, being prone to develop caries and diseases. prone to develop caries and periodontal diseases.
Thus, a high percentage of third molars have to be extracted, either due to lack of space, or because they emerge because of a lack of space, because they emerge in a bad position, because of infectious infectious processes, overcrowding, etc.
The ideal is to perform the surgery before the onset of complications, since it will generally be much simpler. it will generally be much simpler.